Course Description

Teaching & Learning

This MA in Teaching and Learning programme aims to provide a structured, integrated programme for developing high level, evidence-based competence in teaching, learning and scholarship within third level, further education, post primary and primary sectors. The programme aims to provide participants with the skills, knowledge and competencies to design, teach, assess and evaluate educational programmes and to enable them to become professional, reflective practitioners.

It will also equip graduates for roles in academic leadership and/or research supervision. The flexible delivery of the programme offers learners the possibility of studying stand-alone modules right up to completing the full MA in Teaching and Learning.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this programme, students should be able to:

Critically analyse current theories and research in teaching, learning and assessment practices and policies in higher education;

Assess, select and evaluate the use of varied teaching and assessment strategies, including the integration of digital technologies to ensure effective teaching practices and enhance student engagement;

Synthesise pedagogical research with discipline-based expertise to enhance models of higher education practice and the design of education programmes for diverse learners;

Apply the reflective practitioner model in order to identify and promote improvements to own practice, whilst demonstrating professionalism and high ethical standards;

Demonstrate initiative and leadership skills in working with peers and other educators and the wider community in designing curricula, leading programmes and/or conducting research supervision in diverse educational settings;

Evaluate the wider social, political and economic environment within which the teaching professional operates;

Demonstrate reflectivity and creativity in the interpretation and application of concepts, methods and approaches to teaching, learning and assessment;

Develop knowledge and expertise in the use of appropriate research methods in higher education and use these to research practice and make a contribution to knowledge;

Design and execute an independent, critical, and reflective professional investigation which examines the relationship between theory and practice, adopting the most appropriate research methods to address and analyse the identified issues.

CollegeInstitute of Technology Carlow
Course LocationCarlow
Course Category
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Course Duration2 Years (part-time)
Course TimeFridays /Saturdays
Course Fee3,000 per year
Entry RequirementsEntry requirements are a Level 8 degree, minimum of Second Class Honours, Grade 2 or equivalent. IT Carlow operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPL) scheme whereby applicants may be considered, based on relevant work and other experience, for exemptions from programme modules and advanced entry.
Phone059 91 75000
Course CodeCW-HRTEA-M
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Course Provider

Institute of Technology Carlow

Kilkenny Road, Carlow Town, Carlow, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: R93 V960

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    Institute of Technology Carlow
    Kilkenny Road
    Carlow Town, Carlow
    Republic of Ireland
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