Course Description

Supply Chain Management

This course offers a robust understanding of the concepts and practices of Supply Chain Management with academic and practical applications being incorporated into it. Supply chains and sourcing have become a central focus for companies due to the rapid changes in demand for products and services, globalisation and technology. With operations becoming more complex, companies in the manufacturing, retail and technological sectors are searching for individuals with supply chain expertise. This specialised Masters is relevant to individuals who wish to pursue careers in management consulting, managing information systems, product management and supply chain management. Graduates of this course will be well prepared to work as supply chain analysts, project managers, logistics managers, operations consultants or manufacturing or service operations managers.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Provide participants with a detailed knowledge of the theory and practice of Supply Chain Management;
Develop graduate-level staff from all functions to initiate and manage multi-discipline teamwork aimed at radical improvements in supply chain capability;
Prepare graduates of all disciplines for upward job mobility;
Provide personal development opportunities for staff in parallel with their meeting job requirements

CollegeInstitute of Technology Carlow
Course LocationCarlow
Course CategorySupply Chain, Business
Course QualificationPostgraduate Diploma
Awarding BodyQQI
Course DurationPart Time Day - typically over two years
Course FeePOA
Entry RequirementsEntry requirements are a Level 8 degree, minimum of Second Class Honours, Grade 2 in a related discipline or equivalent. IT Carlow operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPL) scheme whereby applicants may be considered, based on relevant work and other experience, for exemptions from programme modules and advanced entry.

All applicants will be considered on a case by case basis. Lifelong Learning reserves the right to require applicants to attend for an interview to determine their suitability for the programme
Phone059 91 75000
Course CodeCW919
For information about Institute of Technology Carlow, please visit our College Profile page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Institute of Technology Carlow

Kilkenny Road, Carlow Town, Carlow, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: R93 V960

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    Institute of Technology Carlow
    Kilkenny Road
    Carlow Town, Carlow
    Republic of Ireland
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