Course Description

PostGraduate Diploma in Media Practice and Christian Communications

Enquire about or book this PostGraduate Diploma in Media Practice and Christian Communications. St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth and Kairos Communications have partnered together for over 20 years on practical-based media courses, at Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Master’s level. Graduates from these courses have gone on in to work in almost all areas of media, creating award-winning films, radio and tv documentaries, and more.
This new course will begin in September, a Postgraduate Diploma in Christian Communication and Media Practice. The classes for the course will be based on the Kairos Campus, on the Moyglare Road in Maynooth – just up the road from St. Patrick’s College; and across from Maynooth University’s North Campus.

Over the course of the year, students will have access to an array of production spaces, from edit suites with video and audio editing software, podcast & radio studies, to a purpose built TV studio and study room in which to work on their productions.

The course itself will cover all aspects of communication and production in modern media, including the philosophical, theological,and ethical aspects of production, as well as the practical. Students will learn how to script, shoot and edit their own films and documentaries, learn by creating their own live programmes for TV, radio and podcasts, as well as studying media law and aspects of social media.

CollegeKairos Communications
Course LocationMaynooth, Kildare
Course CategoryMedia Production, Communications & Media
Course TypePractical
Course QualificationPostgraduate Diploma
Awarding BodyQQI
Course Start Date23rd September 2019
Course End Date11th May 2020
Course Duration1 Year Full-Time
Course TimeMonday - Friday between 9am & 5pm
Course Fee6,300
Entry RequirementsGrade 2:2 in a primary degree or equivalent qualification, or a suitable professional qualification with experience in the field of media or theology.
Applications are also welcome from candidates who do not fulfill the above requirements but who have a demonstrable interest in media, theology, or social justice, following an interview.
Carear PathCompleting the diploma will provide students with a strong practical knowledge of a wide range of media practice such as camerawork, editing, social media engagement, TV Studio, Live Radio production and presentation. Participants will learn through intensive hands-on experience, and will develop technical and practical skills which will be highly transferable in the ever changing employment market. Former students have worked in varied roles from PR to broadcasting, social media to web design, lecturing to freelancing in the video and audio industry.

On completion, students may progress to Level 9 programmes on the National Qualifications Framework. QQI validation also allows for recognition in Europe and beyond.
For information about Kairos Communications, please visit our College Profile page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

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    Kairos Communications
    Moyglare Road
    Maynooth, Kildare
    Visit Website