Course Description

Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Strategy for Business

This 10 ECTS Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Strategy for Business at level 9 teaches cutting edge digital media and digital transformation knowledge and strategy. It is aimed at those involved at mid and senior levels of enterprise and industry, so that they can be involved in debates around current trends in technology related to digital entrepreneurship, innovative technologies, and enterprise development. As a series of Masterclasses and forum discussions, this certificate will open up a forum for discussions about technology innovations and interrogate potential for technology and strategy adoption and implementation.

CollegeAtlantic Technological University
Course CategoryBusiness Management, Business
Course TypeOnline Learning
Course QualificationAward / Certificate
Course Start Date22nd January 2024
Course DurationOne Semester
Course Feetbc
Entry RequirementsEntry requirement is a level 8 Bachelor (Honours) degree with minimum grade classification of H2.2 or equivalent in Marketing, IT/Computing, Science, Business, Graphic Design, Communications, or cognate area. Candidates who do not meet this entry criteria will be considered for entry to the programme under a formalised process of recognition of prior learning (RPL). This RPL process will be conducted to determine applicant eligibility, in line with approved marks and standards. Candidates with three years or more relevant professional work experience and who do not have the required entry requirement will be provided ample opportunity to apply for entry via RPL.
Course CodeGA_BDSBG_S09
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Course Provider

Atlantic Technological University

ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW, ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway, Ireland

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    Atlantic Technological University
    ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW
    ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway
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