Course Description

Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration

In conjunction with Heriot Watt Business School, Griffith College is proud to offer a part-time and online Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration

Covering a range of topics, this Certificate offers both intellectual rigour and applied business experience. As a student, you are supported to expand your skills within your chosen industry, giving you the readiness to succeed in your business endeavours.

The programme consists of 3 modules with an option to progress to the Masters of Business Administration available to all graduates. Built on an ethos of flexibility, pursuing a Postgraduate Certificate with Griffith College will allow you to pursue your degree at your own pace while balancing work, families, and other commitments.

Why study Business Administration at Griffith College?

Our online Postgraduate Cert is available on a part-time basis and is fully available online. It has been designed for experienced professionals to grow their skills and prepare for new challenges and opportunities.

  • A programme designed to fit your life. Work where and when you can, and take time off as you need.
  • Students will gain an internationally recognised qualification from Edinburgh Business School, which has 43 Approved Learning Partners in over 30 countries worldwide.
  • Study what interests you, with a choice of subjects
  • Take only the modules you need to, with exemptions for a range of academic and professional qualifications.
CollegeGriffith College Limerick
Course LocationLimerick
Course CategoryBusiness Management, Business
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course Start Date1st September 2020
Course Duration1 year
Course TimeTwo nights per week part-time and selected weekend seminars. Full Online delivery also available, watch lectures live while interacting with tutor or review lecturers at a time that suits you best.
Course Fee€3,750 total tuition fee - €1,250 per modules - Exam fee £160
Entry RequirementsStudents should hold a first or second class honours Level 8 undergraduate qualification from a recognised higher education institution.

Students may also hold a combination of lower level qualifications (Level 6 or 7 or a Professional level qualification) along with relevant work experience.

Exemption from core courses may be granted on the basis of bachelor level and professional qualifications. Exemption from core and elective courses may be granted on the basis of postgraduate level qualifications and professional qualifications.
Carear PathSuccessful completion of three courses, at least one of which must be a core course allows a student to be formally matriculated on to the MBA programme without an undergraduate degree.
For information about Griffith College Limerick, please visit our College Profile page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Griffith College Limerick

Griffith College Limerick Campus O’Connell Avenue, Limerick City, Ireland, Limerick City, Limerick, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: V94 DK23

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    Griffith College Limerick
    Griffith College Limerick Campus O’Connell Avenue, Limerick City, Ireland
    Limerick City, Limerick
    Republic of Ireland
    Visit Website