Course Description

MSc in Psychology and Wellbeing

The MSc in Psychology and Wellbeing is the next step for psychology graduates aspiring to bring strong theoretical and practical knowledge of factors influencing wellbeing to their work or future career. It is an ideal programme for those engaging in continuing professional development or those looking for a stepping stone to a research career, clinical doctorate or other professional training. The focus of this programme is on the impact of psychological, societal, environmental and physical factors on the wellbeing of communities, families and individuals throughout their lives. This programme, at level nine of the National Framework of Qualifications, covers a comprehensive curriculum with a strong focus on practical and research skills. It is offered on both a full-time (one year) and part-time (two years) basis.

The 90-credit programme is offered on both a one-year full-time and two-year part-time basis.

One-year, full-time

The full-time commitment is between two and two and a half days on campus per week (Monday and Tuesday*) for one year. In addition, all students are expected to attend a week-long Spring School on the DCU Glasnevin campus, usually held in March*.

Two-year, part-time

The part-time commitment is one full day on campus per week for two years – Year 1: Monday and Year 2: Tuesday*. In addition, all students are expected to attend a week-long Spring School on the DCU Glasnevin campus, usually held in March*.

*Please note that days and dates are subject to change depending on timetabling.


Students will complete the following modules:

  • Wellbeing, Mental Health and Community Psychology
  • Innovations in evidence-based psychological practice
  • Environmental influences on well-being
  • Wellbeing through the lifespan

An additional module, which spans Semesters 1 and 2, focuses on developing individual specialism in one area of psychology and wellbeing through in-depth literature review.

Students will also complete a year-long supervised individual research project.

The programme will:

  • Challenge students to develop their theoretical and conceptual knowledge of factors impacting wellbeing
  • Provide research-led teaching including additional workshops and seminars in an interactive spring school
  • Enhance opportunities for learners to enter or progress their careers in a variety of public and private settings
  • Benefit those keen to pursue more advanced and specialised postgraduate studies

View the current course structure HERE
CollegeDublin City University (DCU)
Course LocationGlasnevin, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 9
Course CategoryPsychology, Medicine & Healthcare
Awarding BodyDublin City University
Awarding Body DetailsMSc in Psychology and Wellbeing
Entry RequirementsRequirements
General Entry Requirements
For admission to the M.Sc. in Psychology and Well-being, entrants will normally:

Have a relevant undergraduate degree in psychology with a H2.1 or equivalent
Candidates must demonstrate eligibility for graduate membership of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI). Specifically:
The study of psychology should be spread over at least three conventional academic years
The modules upon which their primary degree classification is calculated consisted of at least 50% psychology modules.
These modules must cover the core areas of psychology as identified by the PSI Biological Bases of Behaviour, Developmental and Lifespan Psychology, Social Psychology, Personality and Individual Differences, Cognitive Psychology, Research Design, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods (including Practical Component).
The course should address ethical principles for psychological research and professional practice.
International candidates who are non-native speakers of English must satisfy the University of their competency in the English language. More information about DCU's English language requirements can be found here.
MSc in Psychology and Well-being
Full time
EU Status Fee
€7,650 per annum
Non EU Fee
€15,300 per annum
Part time
EU Status Fee Part-time
€3,856 per annum
Non EU Fee Part time
€7,682 per annum
Carear PathCareer Areas
Community Education
Healthcare Sector

This programme provides an excellent springboard for students going on to further clinical. research or professional psychology training.

This programme would also benefit those who are working in applied settings including in education, community settings, mental health, family support, and clinical psychology.
Phone+353 (0) 1 01 700 7422
Course CodeDC765 (Full-Time) & DC766 (Part-Time)
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    Dublin City University (DCU)
    Dublin 9, Glasnevin, Dublin
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