Course Description

Micro-credential - Negotiating for Value

This micro-credential is for participants who are managing and leading organisations including chief executives, senior managers, sales executives, buyers and independent business people. It is also suitable for entrepreneurs, legal practitioners, and other professional service firm executives.

It is designed to empower candidates to employ tried and tested negotiation strategies to create value through mutually beneficial deals. A well-designed negotiation strategy informs how value-maximising agreements should be approached.

This course is designed to meet the requirements of modern business where it is accepted that identifiable determinants lead to successful negotiation. Special attention is given to strategic, cultural, and behavioural variables for mutually beneficial, non-manipulative and sustainable deal-making.

During this course, participants are immersed in interactive presentations, which focus on establishing the corner posts of principled, integrative and value-maximizing negotiation. Throughout the course, due attention is devoted to strategic, behavioural and cultural variables.

The course has a strong emphasis on crafting mutually beneficial, nonmanipulative and sustainable deals that are premised on universal principles of human behaviour, cross-cultural imperatives, creativity, and innovation.

On successful completion of this micro-credential, learners will be able to:

  • Learning from an experienced mentor who has taught and consulted public and private sector organisations around the world.
  • Get insights into human behaviour, cross-cultural imperatives, creativity, and innovation.
  • Work, plan and negotiate together to successfully create bi-lateral and multi-lateral agreements.
  • Apply the core determinants that underpin principled, value-maximizing negotiation.
  • Demonstrate a systematic and critically evaluative understanding of the positions undertaken by participants during the different stages of negotiation.
  • Employ negotiation as an opportunity for parties to work together to jointly develop creative and innovative solutions.
  • Determine and differentiate destructive from the constructive deployment of power in the pursuit of principled, value-enhancing negotiation.

HCI Pillar 3 Learner Fee Subsidy: Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria may qualify for a 50% fee subsidy, subject to the availability of subsidized places. The fee subsidy for eligible Non-EU learners may vary.

For eligibility details, please refer to the Eligibility Criteria.

Apply for Negotiating for Value

CollegeTrinity College Dublin
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryBusiness
Course TypeMicro-credential
Awarding BodyTrinity College Dublin
Awarding Body Details5 ECTS
Course Start Date16th June 2025
Course Duration6 weeks
Course Time• This is a 4-day in-person (30 contact hour) micro-credential, comprising of lectures, case studies, role plays and interactive workshops, additional reading material and independent learning and reviewing. Participants will have access to the lecturer throughout the course via email and Blackboard. • Face-to-face classes will be supported by a variety of teaching and learning methods including group work, case studies, role plays, student-led discussion, and self and peer evaluation. • The VLE (BlackBoard) will be used to host activities, including Collaborate Ultra and discussion boards. The VLE will also be used to provide structured access to all resources and assignments.
Course Fee€2,000
Entry RequirementsThe micro-credential course targets professional learners from mid and senior levels from the private, public and third sectors and will be open to graduates with a degree (or equivalent) with a strong academic record in any discipline from a recognised third level institution.
Applicants without a degree are welcome to apply provided they can show a proven managerial track record. All applicants are required to have a minimum of 3 years professional or managerial work experience (this is in-line with entry criteria for other TBS post-experience postgraduate programmes such as the MBA and Executive MBA programmes).
Language requirements for students whose first language is not English are IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL IBT 90 for non-native English speakers.
In case of heavy competition for places or concern regarding a particular applicant’s suitability, applicants may be interviewed.
For information about Trinity College Dublin, please visit our College Profile page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

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    Dublin City South, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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