Course Description

Micro-credential - Advancing Health and Assessment Practice for Healthcare Practitioners

Applications now closed for 2024/2025 as the course is at maximum.

This micro-credential is for healthcare professionals who are enthusiastic about professional development and adding to their repertoire of knowledge and skills for clinical practice.

It is relevant to any healthcare professional in clinical practice wishing to develop competency and expand their knowledge in the application of advanced health and physical assessment. This cohort includes nurses; midwives; paramedics and other allied healthcare professionals who require this module to allow for the expansion of their practice.

Advanced health and assessment practice allows healthcare professionals to develop the cognitive, affect and psychomotor domains associated with the delivery of advance health to patients.

You will learn the importance of history taking, systems for physical assessment and how the synthesis of these components will assist with diagnostic reasoning.

Undertaking this micro-credential will support you in developing the knowledge, skills, and competence to contribute to the improving workflow of the patients journey by presenting and communicating the holistic patient assessment to other members of the healthcare team.

How will this Micro-credential be delivered?

This micro-credential is delivered using a blended learning approach (in-person/online):

  • Lectures will be delivered in 3 in-person days and 4 online days (full day).
  • Online lectures will be available live or as pre-recorded sessions.

On successful completion of this micro-credential, learners will be able to:   

  • Undertake a comprehensive health history.
  • Perform a physical health assessment using a systematic approach.
  • Critically evaluate the synthesis of history taking and physical assessment to support clinical reasoning.
  • Identify through simulated patient information differential diagnosis to assist clinical decision making.
  • Identify your role in communication to healthcare team.

• 10 ECTS credits, NFQ Level 9, 250 student Learning hours

• Category 1 NMBI Course Accredited (35 CEU points awarded)


HCI Pillar 3 Learner Fee Subsidy: Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria may qualify for a 50% fee subsidy, subject to the availability of subsidized places.

For eligibility details, please refer to the Eligibility Criteria.

Apply for Advancing Health and Assessment Practice for Healthcare Practitioners

CollegeTrinity College Dublin
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryMedicine & Healthcare
Course TypeMicro-credential
Awarding BodyTrinity College Dublin
Awarding Body Details10 ECTS
Course Start Date9th September 2024
Course Duration12 weeks
Course Time1. Direct Contact: In-person tutorials and problem-based learning related to health assessment in TCJ as well as online classes using Blackboard Collaborate platform. 2. Directed Learning and Self directed in the clinical setting to attain supervision of health and physical assessment 3. 3 In-person days will be expected during the 12-week period (These days will be set out on commencement of course) 4. Additional Online lectures including guest lectures from subject experts who will be available for students to access live or as pre-recorded sessions. 5. Online resources for directed learning will be available to students to facilitate flexibility for the learner and increase access
Course Fee€1240
Entry Requirements• Hold a level 8 degree in a health care related programme OR satisfy the course committee that they have the ability to successfully complete the MC programme based on evidence of the following: Clinical experience working in healthcare in the acute or community setting relevant to their professional practice.

• Currently registered with the appropriate professional regulatory body, e.g., Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland or equivalent in country of domicile.

• Have a minimum of two years’ post registration clinical experience, during the last five years and at least one-year full-time experience in the specific area of practice.

Application closing date: 29th July 2025
Course CodePENM-AHAP-1M
For information about Trinity College Dublin, please visit our College Profile page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

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    College Green
    Dublin City South, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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