Course Description

Master of Science (MSc) FinTech


Technological innovation applied to financial services has created a wave of disruptive activity that will change the shape of the global financial system over the next decade.

This has created demand from graduates and employees for programmes specifically tailored to the skills required for a changing financial services industry.

This is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on finance, data analytics and computing. It is designed to appeal to graduates seeking to gain exposure to Fintech – the technology enabled business model innovation in the financial sector


Aims and Objectives

This is a new programme with an integrated delivery from end‐to‐end covering a wide range of financial technology topics, whilst providing a focus on application and the regulation required in this area. The programme focuses on practical skills in core areas such as financial analytics, advanced databases, disruptive technologies, web technologies and security while also offering applied skills in contemporary topics such as data analytics, and financial applications. Its aim is to create a critical understanding of core financial technologies and financial systems while also enhancing the practical technical skills of the learners.

Financial Technology can incorporate many different areas and is an evolving area. Through the work of the Programme Team and in conjunction with the industry experts, Financial Technology has been defined as a combination of financial systems, data management and technology including areas such as Risk Management, Cyber Security, Fintech Regulation, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Financial Models, Applied Financial Analysis, Machine Learning, Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies, and Innovation in Financial Markets & Services. The programme aims and learning outcomes have been designed to reflect these specific areas.


The specific programme aims are as follows:

  • To enable learners to develop in-depth knowledge and analytical skills in current and developing financial technologies
  • To provide learners with a deep and systematic knowledge of the management of Financial Technology in organisational and regulatory contexts
  • To facilitate the development by the learner of applied skills that are directly complementary and relevant to the workplace
  • To identify and develop autonomous learning skills for the learner
  • To develop in the learner a deep and systematic understanding of current issues of research and analysis
  • To enable the learner to identify, develop and apply detailed analytical, creative, problem solving and research skills
  • Provide the learner with a comprehensive platform for career development, innovation and further study.


Entry Requirements

The minimum entry requirements for the MSc in FinTech are:

  • A Level 8 honours degree with a 2.2 or above in a cognate (science, technology, computing, business, finance or related) discipline, OR a Level 8 honours degree with a 2.2 or above in a non-cognate discipline with at least 2-3 years professional industry experience.
  • The evaluation of experiential learning will be determined on a case by case basis. In such instances an interview of the candidate may be required. Applicants will be required to complete the application form and provide written evidence as to their application for entry on to the programme with prior experiental learning. The DBS Quality Assurance Handbook details the exact procedure for evaluating such applications
  • In addition, for applicants whose first language is not English and who have not undertaken their undergraduate degree through English the following is required:
  • The minimum requirement for a non-native English speaker is greater or equal to B2+ in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for admission. Non‐EU applicants, residents outside Ireland/EU, must apply directly to the International Admissions Office at DBS.


Course Content

The Master of Science (MSc) in Financial Technology has the following content:

Stage 1

    • FinTech: Markets & Services
    • Quantitative Financial Modelling
    • Information & Cybersecurity Management
    • Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies
    • Research Methods I

Stage 2

    • FinTech Regulation
    • Data Analytics & Machine Learning
    • Applied Financial Analysis
    • Innovation & Entrepreneurship in FinTech
    • Research Methods II


Stage 3

    • Applied Project


Assessment Methods

The programme teaching and learning strategy is designed to allow the learner to progress through the theoretical and practical concepts in an orderly and logical fashion. The assessment strategy is planned to ensure practical application of the core principles of the module and facilitates feedback, which underpins the overall learning experience.

The overall assessment strategy of the programme is a mixture of practical individual and/or group – project bases – continuous assessment, and where appropriate a final examination.

The programme emphasises the development and evolution of the skills and attributes relevant to the contemporary workplace, and the programme’s assessment strategy reflects this clear objective.



The learners will complete the taught component of their Masters in Science in Fintech which includes didactic modules which forms the core of the subject knowledge and practical skills provision. It also includes the relevant depth of knowledge in the area of research methodologies in context to allow for the success completion of Applied Research Project.

The Applied Research Project module sees the learner demonstrating at the appropriate level their critical thinking in application of knowledge and skills acquired in the programme in the production of an artefact and the appropriate report to accompany it, which will outline the literature to support the need and validity of the artefact, the methodology and appropriate discussion as to its impact.


Career Opportunities

FinTech has quickly become one of the biggest sectors in tech. From an employer perspective, there are a number of companies looking for graduates with these skills in the short and medium term.



The course fees for the next academic year are €8,900 for one year, and €5,500 per annum for two years. This covers the cost of tuition, registration and examinations.


Visit Us

Open days are a great way to help you make your decision about DBS and learn more about the Master of Science (MSc) in FinTech. As well as experiencing our outstanding facilities, you’ll have the opportunity to receive personalised advice from academics from your subject area, meet current postgraduate students and also have your questions answered on general subjects such as entry requirements, student support and the admissions process.

CollegeDublin Business School (DBS)
Course LocationDublin
Course CategoryFinance
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsMaster of Science (MSc) FinTech
Course DurationFull time: 1 Year, Part time: 2 years
Course Fee€8,900 per annum (full-time) or €5,500 per annum (part-time)
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