Course Description

Master of Science in Quality and Safety in Social Care

This programme is applicable across the public, private and voluntary sector with participants from multi-professional backgrounds including social care, clinical, administrative and practitioner levels.

On completion, students will have developed enhanced contextual, cultural and professional insights into quality, safety and governance.

Graduates will be equipped with a set of skills that will have a direct impact in the safe delivery of health and social care.

Programme Structure:

This programme is a Master of Science in Health and Social Care leading to the exit award of either MSc Quality and Safety in Healthcare or MSc Quality and Safety in Social Care.

The exit award will depend on the students area of professional practice.

The programme is designed around five key themes:

Towards a new understanding of quality care in contemporary health and social care.

Improving service user safety

Enhancing the care experience of service users

Developing a systematic approach to quality improvement methodology

Leadership and management as quality improvement drivers in health and social care

CollegeAtlantic Technological University
Course LocationCastlebar, Mayo
Course CategorySocial Studies, Arts & Humanities
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Course Start Date15th September 2024
Course Duration2 years
Entry RequirementsH2.2 in a Level 8 degree in any health or social care discipline or recognised cognate professional qualification, and one full-time year relevant experience which must be in the last five years.
Carear PathThis programme offers an invaluable opportunity for eligible graduates to benefit from enhanced level of competencies which will instruct excellence in quality and safety in health and social care.

Graduates will particularly benefit in pursuing a career path in quality management, compliance, general management and person safety roles.

These roles vary across the emerging spectrum of health and social care.

Graduates will advance their career prospects in terms of promotion eligibility and post-graduate training.

This may be in management and or specialist areas such as clinical risk or quality improvement within the health and social care environment.
For information about Atlantic Technological University, please visit our College Profile page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Atlantic Technological University

ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW, ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway, Ireland

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    Atlantic Technological University
    ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW
    ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway
    Visit Website