Course Description

Master of Science in Cybersecurity Operations

The objective of the Masters in Cybersecurity Operations is to educate IT practitioners in responding to cyber-attack incidents. It examines the tools to identify threat actors. Models and frameworks are followed to manage the response. Data analytics can use tools such as machine learning to identify anomalies in organisational IT traffic.

Cybersecurity Operations involves implementing secure architecture to defend against vulnerable systems. It can be considered the stage when risk and compliance has failed.

This Masters provides a pathway for IT professionals to upskill in the area of cybersecurity operations. Developed in partnership with HPE, a learner can pursue a major L9 award through 4 x 10 credit taught modules and completing a 50-credit thesis.

CollegeAtlantic Technological University
Course LocationGalway
Course CategoryCyber Security, IT & Computers
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Course Start Date18th September 2023
Course DurationTwo years
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Course Provider

Atlantic Technological University

ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW, ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway, Ireland

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    Atlantic Technological University
    ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW
    ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway
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