Course Description

Master of Science in Business and Management

The MSc in Business and Management is a two-stage programme that will provide students with advanced and significant expertise in the concepts, tools and skills essential to contemporary business strategies and functions. The first stage of the course provides a mixture of quantitative subjects and more general management subjects. On successful completion of this stage students will specialise in either HRM or Financial Management. In the second stage, they will take three subjects and prepare a minor dissertation.

The six subjects of the first stage cover topics essential to any advanced business and management qualification, including cost-benefit analysis, financial policy, human resource planning, the management of cash and assets, decision-making in organisations, strategic management, leadership and change, and the principles of research. The second stage builds on the knowledge obtained in the first and allows students specialise in an area they are most interested in. The minor dissertation will likely address an issue relevant to the student’s professional formation and will draw upon the theories and principles students have learned. The Research Methods module will be a very useful preparation for the dissertation phase.

This course will commence in September 2018.

CollegeInstitute of Public Administration
Course LocationBallsbridge, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 4
Course CategoryBusiness Management, Business
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyNational University of Ireland
Course DurationTwo academic years, part-time
Course Fee5,000 per annum
Entry RequirementsApplicants must have a primary degree or equivalent qualification.
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Course Provider

Institute of Public Administration

57-61 Lansdowne Road,, Ballsbridge, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland. Eircode: D04 TC62

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    Institute of Public Administration
    57-61 Lansdowne Road,
    Ballsbridge, Ballsbridge, Dublin
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