Course Description

Master of Science in Built Environment Regulation

The programme aims to afford advanced experience, knowledge, and training to fulfil, in part, the onerous and challenging roles, duties and responsibilities associated with a range of Built Environment Regulations in the Irish Construction Industry.

This master’s degree programme is designed for a multidisciplinary cohort across the built environment disciplines e.g. Architecture, Engineering, Building Surveying, Architectural Technology, and Construction Management, among others.

A multi-disciplinary cohort will be beneficial to the master’s degree programme as it will provide a cross-pollination of ideas, shared experiences and appreciation for each other’s roles and responsibilities in the Built Environment.

The master’s degree programme is designed to meet the postgraduate and continuing professional development needs of these disciplines, to develop their competence in these areas by facilitating knowledge gained through training and applied experience. It will be particularly beneficial to new entrant graduates who have recently entered the work force in the last one to three years.

It will also be beneficial to lifelong learners and more experienced professionals as Continuing Professional Development, up-skilling, retraining, and as a refresher course. Furthermore, the programme can be undertaken on a module-by-module basis, if so desired, by accumulating credits. Alternatively, a programme of shorter duration can be commenced, with the view to continuing to complete the full Master’s degree programme at some point in the future. This flexibility is designed to accommodate an adult working population.

CollegeAtlantic Technological University
Course LocationGalway
Course CategoryEngineering, Construction & Engineering
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Course Start Date9th January 2023
Course DurationOne Year
Entry RequirementsCandidates must hold a cognate level 8 Bachelor (Hons) degree with a minimum grade classification of H2.2 or equivalent, in an appropriate Built Environment undergraduate programme or equivalent. Candidates who do not meet the H2.2 performance standard in a Level 8 award will be required to pass a qualifying assignment at an H2.2 performance standard as established by the Programme Board for the programme in question and as approved by the Registrar.

In accordance with ATU policy recognition of prior learning can be used to gain access to or exemption from this programme. ATU Galway City is committed to the principles of transparency, equity, and fairness in recognition of prior learning (RPL) and to the principle of valuing all learning regardless of the mode or place of its acquisition. Recognition of Prior Learning may be used to:

Gain access or advanced entry to a programme at Stage 2 or higher, subject to available places. (Stage 1 entry through CAO)
Gain credits and exemptions from programme modules after admission
In award years RPL will be considered, to a 50% maximum (30 credits)
Academic Code of Practice No. 6 outlines the policies and procedures for the Recognition of Prior Learning. Guidance for applicants is provided on The programme board will be expecting mapping equivalencies to the QQI Awards standard at level 8.

English Language Requirements will be as determined by ATU Galway City and as published in the Access, Transfer and Progression code. Further details on English language requirements are available from the University.
Phone+353 91 742 109
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Course Provider

Atlantic Technological University

ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW, ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway, Ireland

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    Atlantic Technological University
    ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW
    ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway
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