Course Description

Master of Science in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

The programme was designed in partnership with Irish companies manufacturing biopharmaceuticals and relevant industry stakeholders. Learners will develop both critical research skills in biopharmaceutical science and in depth understanding of the quality processes involved in the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals products. The Masters programme will be delivered using a blended learning approach. Based on the input from industry, the programme design team have placed a strong emphasis on work-based learning and the yearlong research project will be carried out in the company in which you work or should this not be possible ATU Galway will make every effort to facilitate a project within an applied research centre in ATU Galway.

CollegeAtlantic Technological University
Course LocationGalway
Course CategoryScience, Science & Technology
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Course Duration1 Year
Course TimeFull-time
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Course Provider

Atlantic Technological University

ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW, ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway, Ireland

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    Atlantic Technological University
    ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW
    ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway
    Visit Website