Course Description

Master of Science in Applied Leadership and Management in Social Care

This MSc in Applied Leadership and Management has been designed to develop the leadership, managerial, and organisational skills of the Health and Social Care and Public Sector leader and manager.

Graduates will function as highly competent self-aware senior leaders, capable of informing strategy and guiding teams at the highest level in their sector.

This Masters degree is work-focused and applied in nature, focusing on inter-disciplinary application. Graduates will draw on the latest research and methodology to critically reflect on and optimise service delivery in their specialist area.

Who is it for?

It is aimed at those who want to develop into a leadership or management role in the sectors specified; those who want to improve and lead teams or complex projects and current senior professionals, leaders and managers who want to further develop their competencies and play a valuable role in shaping their organisation.

This programme is designed to meet the needs of the Health, Social Care & Public Sector.

The flexible mode of delivery, staged modules and options for exit awards are tailored to provide students with the opportunity to develop applied skills in order to bring about change and real improvements in their workplace and to address the challenges for their sector now and into the future.


The programme is designed around five key themes:


Impact on the team;

Leader within the organisation

Focusing on results

Emerging Trends Leading in Uncertain Times

CollegeAtlantic Technological University
Course LocationMayo
Course CategoryBusiness Management, Business
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Course Start Date12th September 2022
Course Duration2 years
Carear PathThis programme offers an excellent opportunity for graduates to move to the next stage of their career.

It is also of distinct benefit to those who wish to enhance their effectiveness as a leader and a manager in the position that they hold.

Graduates will benefit from enhanced leadership and management competencies and applied skills that will improve their employability and effectiveness as professionals.

Holders of this qualification will be able to capitalise on the opportunities that emerge from reform and re-structuring in the Health, Social Care and Public Sectors.
For information about Atlantic Technological University, please visit our College Profile page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Atlantic Technological University

ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW, ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway, Ireland

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    Atlantic Technological University
    ATU Galway Campus, Dublin Rd. Galway H91 T8NW
    ATU Mayo Campus Westport Rd. Castlebar Co. Mayo F23 X853, Galway City, Galway
    Visit Website