Course Description

Master of Arts in Humanities in Professional Leadership

Professional leadership moves beyond more traditional leadership and management ideas to acknowledge that change is needed, that leaders now, more than ever, must be authentic, ethical, financially aware, strategic, and ambitious for their organisation. All of which has been considered within IT Sligo`s new Masters in Professional Leadership.

The MA in Professional Leadership covers both core and elective learning. Learners will get the opportunity to gather core knowledge, skills and competencies in Leadership; Organisational Psychology; Strategy; Financial Management and Research Methods. The learner can also choose one elective each term. The award will cumulate in a Research Project where students are given the opportunity, under supervision, to explore and examine ways to implement their learning within a real-life context.

CollegeInstitute of Technology Sligo
Course LocationSligo
Course CategoryCommunity Studies, Arts & Humanities
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Phone353 (0) 71 931 8510
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    Ash Lane
    Republic of Ireland
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