Course Description

Master of Arts – Healthcare Management

The MA – Healthcare Management is a two-year, part-time programme that focuses on the issues that affect health and hospital services. It seeks to raise the level of analysis in healthcare management in Ireland and to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage effectively. On completing the first year of the programme, students receive the interim award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management. The second year of the course is divided into two semesters. In the first of these, students study four key subjects in healthcare management. In the second, students write a dissertation on a specific healthcare management issue. If you do not wish to take all three subjects in any particular semester, you may choose to study one or two on a phased basis.

This course will commence in September 2018.

CollegeInstitute of Public Administration
Course LocationBallsbridge, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 4
Course CategoryBusiness
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyNational University of Ireland
Course DurationTwo academic years, part-time
Course Fee5,000 per annum
Entry RequirementsApplicants must have a primary degree or equivalent qualification.
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Course Provider

Institute of Public Administration

57-61 Lansdowne Road,, Ballsbridge, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland. Eircode: D04 TC62

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    Institute of Public Administration
    57-61 Lansdowne Road,
    Ballsbridge, Ballsbridge, Dublin
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