Course Description

M.Sc. Cyber Security


In an increasingly digitalised and data dependent world, your skills will be put to the test, and you’ll have the opportunity to make a real difference by helping companies and governments protect themselves from potential threats. Build on your existing cyber skills, and enrich round out your capabilities in working with data, to ensure your position as an in-demand cyber specialist.

CollegeIU International University of Applied Sciences
Course Category
Course TypeOnline Learning
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyState Accredited (FIBAA)
Course DurationFull Time: 24 months, Part-Time one: 36 months, Part-Time two: 48 months
Course Fee€8664
Entry Requirements"Academic requirements: 120 ECTS • Completed undergraduate degree (180 ECTS) in Economics or related subjects • From a public or officially recognised university/higher education institution. • At least a ‘satisfactory’ or Grade C equivalent in your previous education 60 ECTS • Completed undergraduate degree (240 ECTS) • From a public or officially recognised university/higher education institution. • At least a ‘satisfactory’ or Grade C equivalent in your previous education • Proof of at least one year’s qualified work experience completed prior to the start of the study programme (achieved after your undergraduate studies). "
Carear Path"You will be a highly sought-after expert who is best qualified for responding efficiently to cyber incidents, as well as for forensic methods of identification and defence. You will have the necessary hard and soft skills required to take responsibility over central security architectures, as well as for confidently advising companies and teams on how to optimise cyber security. As an expert in your field, you will have excellent opportunities to lead your employer’s security measures as a future manager. You may also be responsible for digital transformations of teams and companies based on ‘security by design’, and work with external agencies to detect and deter criminal activities."
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