Course Description

Interaction Design

What is the MA in Interaction Design about?
Interaction design focuses on shaping things for peoples use and behaviour and includes designing interactive digital products, environments, visual communication systems, and services.

Interaction design is the synthesis and imagining of things as they might be, rather than focusing on how things actually are and is focused on satisfying the needs and desires of the end user. This programme is specifically designed for honours graduates in product and industrial design, multimedia and game design, visual communication design, architecture, engineering and other design related fields. This Masters programme has been developed by IT Carlow in consultation with industry and is delivered though the combination of the self-directed learning and graduate research within the structured environment of a taught programme.

This dynamic educational environment seeks to provide a framework for interdisciplinary and peer learning and enquiry, which facilitates, promotes and leads the interaction between practice and theory. The Master of Arts in Interaction Design aims to nurture and support a unique interdisciplinary approach to research and learning in this area. The programme is centred around the development and delivery of a major project which can be either practice or theory based.

CollegeInstitute of Technology Carlow
Course LocationCarlow
Course CategoryGraphic Design, IT & Computers
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Course Duration2 years
Course Time1 Day per week
Course Fee2,750 per year
Phone059 91 75000
Course CodeCW DRDSN M
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Course Provider

Institute of Technology Carlow

Kilkenny Road, Carlow Town, Carlow, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: R93 V960

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    Institute of Technology Carlow
    Kilkenny Road
    Carlow Town, Carlow
    Republic of Ireland
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