Course Description

Data Analytics

This computing course aims to produce high-quality, technically competent, innovative graduates that will become leading practitioners in the field of data analytics.

Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to:

Conduct independent research and analysis in the field of data analytics

Implement a research idea using the latest industry practices

Demonstrate expert knowledge of data analysis and statistics

Critically assess and evaluate business and technical strategies for data analytics

Develop and implement business and technical solutions for data analytics

The course structure accommodates a wide audience of learners whose specific interests in data analytics may be either technically focused or business focused. All students will also gain exposure to pertinent legal issues and product commercialisation considerations associated with the data analytics field.

The course will be delivered using academic research, industry-defined practical problems, and case studies. This approach will naturally foster a deeper knowledge of the subject area and create transferable skills for work such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creative thinking, communication, teamwork and research skills. The course is completely delivered by faculty and industry practitioners with proven expertise in data analytics.

Who is the course for?
This course is ideal for graduates that are looking to progress into the emerging data analytics market to increase their employment potential. The course is suitable for graduates who have technical or mathematical problem solving skills. Graduates from disciplines that have not developed these skills will need to be able to demonstrate an aptitude for technical or mathematical problem solving.

Award and Progression
The Master of Science in Data Analytics is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this course may progress to a major award at level 10 on the NFQ. Students may also elect to exit early with the Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Data Analytics at level 9 on the NFQ.

CollegeNational College of Ireland (NCI)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 1
Course CategoryData Analytics, IT & Computers
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Course Duration1 year; 2 semesters with a final research project
Course Fee6,500 total fee
Carear PathStudents who successfully complete this course may progress to a major award at level 10 on the NFQ. Students may also elect to exit early with the Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Data Analytics at level 9 on the NFQ.
Phone1850 221 721
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    Mayor Street
    IFSC, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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