Course Description

Business & Oracle Programming - Online

This distance learning Diploma in Business with Mutual Fund Management will provide comprehensive grounding in managerial disciplines.

This Postgraduate Diploma gives students an extensive and comprehensive insight into topics related to business management, including operations management, marketing, mathematics and statistical analysis, accounting, economics, performance in the workplace, employee relations, mutual funds and entrepreneurial skills.

By the time you have completed this course you will have a broad base of practical skills that will enable you to be an effective, productive business manager.

CollegeFitzwilliam Institute
Course LocationBlackrock, Dublin
Location PostcodeCo. Dublin
Course CategoryBusiness
Course QualificationPostgraduate Diploma
Awarding BodyInstitute of Commercial Management
Course DurationStudents have up to 24 months to complete this course.
Course Fee1,995
Entry RequirementsAnyone working in the general business sector in a senior or support role which is likely to require Business Management Skills.
Phone01 2834579
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    Temple Court
    Blackrock, Blackrock, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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