Course Description

Business in Finance

The Higher Diploma in Business in Finance will provide candidates with the integrated theoretical and practical knowledge and skillset required for decision making within the modern and dynamic financial services sector. Candidates will gain a fundamental understanding of the key theories, concepts and tools used within the international financial services sector. They will have a critical awareness of the economic and regulatory framework within which the sector operates. They will possess the analytical and multiperspective mind-set which allows them exercise appropriate judgements in evaluating the operational challenges facing the international financial services sector.

Who is the course for?
The course is for those candidates from a non-cognate area of study who wish to embark on a career in financial services. The higher diploma will provide non-cognate degree holders with the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the key tenets of finance and its attendant fields.

Award and Progression
The Higher Diploma in Finance course is awarded by QQI at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications. For those wishing to progress to NCIs MSc in Finance, candidates must attain a 2.2 or higher to be eligible for consideration. The Higher Diploma in Finance will also offer candidates the opportunity to progress to other level 9 finance courses on the NFQ.

CollegeNational College of Ireland (NCI)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 1
Course CategoryBusiness
Course QualificationHigher Diploma
Awarding BodyQQI
Course Duration1 year; 26 weeks
Course TimeIndicative Schedule Tuesday and Thursday evenings 18.00 - 22.00 and Saturdays
Course Fee3,500 total fee (Fees revised annually)
Entry RequirementsApplicants will normally hold a level 8 honours degree (minimum 2.2) in a noncognate field of study to finance. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme meaning applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. This may be assessed using a written application and/or interview.
Carear PathThe Higher Diploma in Finance will also offer candidates the opportunity to progress to other level 9 finance courses on the NFQ.
Phone1850 221 721
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    IFSC, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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