Course Description

Business Administration MBA

The MBA course will provide you with a strong theoretical foundation in the broader disciplines of management as well as focusing on the practical application of theory in real-world settings and cases. You will be exposed to the latest thinking in the core disciplines of enterprise, leadership, management organisation, people management, strategy, management of financial resources and economics for managers. You will be able to choose from a wide range of electives specialising in areas such as marketing and international business, human resource management, and information technology. There will be the opportunity to participate in an exciting enterprise management simulation game in your final semester.

The course is underpinned by a strong foundation in enterprise and leadership and emphasises the development of effective business and management skills to solve management problems through structured analysis, problem solving techniques, effective decision-making, and effective communications.

The knowledge and skills acquired through our MBA will allow you to progress your own management career as well as encourage you to consider creating a business of your own. It will allow you to develop a creative, innovative and entrepreneurial perspective. As part of the programme each student will be afforded an opportunity to work with a personal coach to develop a plan for their professional development both during and after the end of the course to maximise the direct benefits of completing a programme such as an MBA.

Who is the course for?
The MBA is aimed at candidates with at least three years of work experience seeking to start or develop a career in management.

Award and Progression
The Master of Business Administration is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

CollegeNational College of Ireland (NCI)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 1
Course CategoryAdministration, Business
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Course DurationDuration 2 full calendar years: 5 semesters; 4 taught semesters and a final dissertation to be submitted in September of the final year
Course TimeMonday and Wednesday 18.00 - 21.00 plus some Saturday workshops
Course Fee6,375 per annum
Carear PathThis award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to doctoral study at level 10 on the NFQ.
Phone1850 221 721
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    Mayor Street
    IFSC, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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