Course Description

Applied Research & Innovation

The capacity of a business to innovate through new or improved products and services is fundamental to its competitive and commercial success. The objective of this programme is to cultivate an integrated professional skillset in graduates (science, engineering, design, computing, and business) for the effective management of the innovation process through the development of strategic, research-led and knowledge transfer capabilities.

You will learn how new products and services are created and how they get to market as well as how innovation is managed in different types of organisation. The programme is designed to connect, integrate and embed research activity within regional small and medium enterprises and to meet an identified skills gap within that sector.

The programme will facilitate learners to explore their own interests in an active and practical way through undertaking research projects with local companies.

You will experience what it means to carry out research and how to develop real life scenarios for organisations by working in a project-based way to apply the knowledge acquired through the modules.

The teaching and learning approach on this programme is structured around the supervision of research projects supported by workshops and seminars. This makes it a uniquely practice focused masters degree aimed at one of the key drivers of competitive advantage in todays knowledge based economy.

Why choose this course?
The course is designed for students who want to gain employment in the area of research but is equally suited to those who wish to build research skills for application in their current work environments. The course provides a strong foundation for further postgraduate study, particularly for PhD research.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Analyse the current innovative performance of an organisation;
Work with a range of innovation management skills;
Utilise a research and enquiry based approach to business problems;
Analyse and resolve problems across a range of competing demands and disciplines/industry function perspectives;
Understand and facilitate project delivery.

CollegeInstitute of Technology Carlow
Course LocationCarlow
Course CategoryMarketing, Business
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Course Duration2 Years Part-Time
Course Fee5,500
Phone059 91 75000
Course CodeCW929
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Course Provider

Institute of Technology Carlow

Kilkenny Road, Carlow Town, Carlow, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: R93 V960

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    Institute of Technology Carlow
    Kilkenny Road
    Carlow Town, Carlow
    Republic of Ireland
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