Course Description

Android Mobile Application Development - Online

In recent years, the IT industry has shown a significant increase in demand for IT Professionals that are skilled in Internet and Web Programming. This industry is rich in employment opportunities due to a high demand for professionals with the correct skillset for this area.

This course provides hands on training to designing and building mobile applications using Google’s Android open-source platform. The course will equip you with the necessary practical skills to become an Android prgrammer. Throughout the entire duration of the course you will have support from subject experts who are themselves professionals in the industry.

This course also provides you with further programming experience through projects that present real world programming practice. This course is certified by the Institute of Commercial Management and the Diploma qualification is recognised in over 140 countries worldwide.

CollegeFitzwilliam Institute
Course LocationBlackrock, Dublin
Location PostcodeCo. Dublin
Course CategoryComputer Applications, IT & Computers
Course QualificationPostgraduate Diploma
Awarding BodyInstitute of Commercial Management
Course DurationStudents have up to 24 months to complete this course
Course Fee1995
Phone01 2834579
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    Temple Court
    Blackrock, Blackrock, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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