Course Description

Advanced Practice (Midwifery) M.Sc: 2yr PT / P.Grad.Dip./P.Grad.Cert.: 1yr PT

This course provides midwifery students with a broad-based education experience incorporating the key concepts of person-centred care, autonomy and empowerment, professional ethics, consultation and collaboration, and professional leadership, thus enabling the students to practice at the highest professional standards across the spectrum of care.

For more information/Apply, please see here.


CollegeTrinity College Dublin
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryNursing, Medicine & Healthcare
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationPostgraduate Diploma
Awarding BodyTrinity College Dublin
Awarding Body DetailsNFQ Level 9
Course Start Date1st September 2025
Course End Date30th June 2026
Course DurationOne to two days per week
Course TimeYear One usually starts with a full week of studying in September and continues thereafter generally one to two days per week for the remainder of the academic year, in addition to 96 hours of prescribing practice (if relevant) and 500 hours of clinical advanced practice under the supervision of an experienced senior clinician. Year Two consists of workshops and classes throughout the academic year. A blended learning approach is used in the delivery of theoretical content which includes lectures, group discussions and self-directed learning/online learning. The assessment process is a combination of written and practical assignments. At the end of Year Two, students are required to submit a dissertation on a subject related to their field of study.
Entry RequirementsStudents will be required to undergo Garda Vetting, can learn more at:

All applicants to Trinity are required to provide official evidence of proficiency in the English language. Applicants to this course are required to meet Band B (Standard Entry) English language requirements. For more details of qualifications that meet Band B, see the English Language Requirements page here -
Carear PathGraduates of this course will be eligible to apply to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland for registration as a Registered Midwife Prescriber (RMP).
Phone+353 (0)1 8960000
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    College Green
    Dublin City South, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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