Course Description

Advanced Ageing and Frailty Studies (P.Grad.Cert)

This course is directed towards a wide range of health-care professionals, including medicine, nursing and allied health and social care professions who wish to improve their knowledge and inform their clinical practice in the area of frailty.

Course Content

The programme consists of four modules:

  1. The Biology of the Ageing Process.
  2. Frailty in Ageing Adults.
  3. Frailty in Ageing Adults: Clinical Practice.
  4. Quantitative Analytical Tools for Ageing and Frailty.

Click here for further information on modules/subjects, register your interest, and APPLY

Application Closing Date: 30th June 2025

CollegeTrinity College Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryNursing, Medicine & Healthcare
Course TypeOnline Learning
Course QualificationSpecial Purpose Award / Certificate
Awarding BodyTrinity College Dublin
Awarding Body DetailsNFQ Level 9
Course Start Date1st September 2025
Course End Date30th June 2026
Course Duration1 year part-time
Course TimeSchedule: Semester 1 (September-December), and Semester 2 (January-June): Lectures, tutorials and assessments will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 3pm-5pm (Standard Irish Time) and Friday afternoons 2pm-4pm (Standard Irish Time) during term time.
Entry RequirementsApplicants should be health or social care professionals working with older adults in any workplace setting. Suitable candidates include doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, and allied health and social care professionals. Service managers will also be considered.

Applicants should hold at least a 2.1 honors degree from an Irish university or equivalent result from a university in another country. If an applicant does not have a 2.1 honors degree, previous completion of our Frailty Micro-crediental module is strongly advised.

English Language Requirements
All applicants to Trinity are required to provide official evidence of proficiency in the English language. Applicants to this course are required to meet Band B (Standard Entry) English language requirements. For more details of qualifications that meet Band B, see the English Language Requirements page here -
Carear PathGraduates will be able to progress through advanced / specialist gerontological practice routes where available. The skills acquired through the course will enable candidates to enhance their comprehensive geriatric assessment skills and the quantitative skills required to accomplish successful service evaluations, quality improvement projects and business cases.
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Course Provider

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    College Green
    Dublin City South, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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