Course Description

Adult Guidance & Counselling

The course is designed for people working with adults in adult guidance & counselling, providing information, advice and placement services. The course provides an understanding of core concepts and ideas concerning sociology, marginalisation, exclusion and adult career development. This course is also offered as a Diploma for candidates who do not have a primary degree but have extensive experience in the field.

CollegeMaynooth University
Course LocationMaynooth, Kildare
Course CategoryCounselling & Psychotherapy, Medicine & Healthcare
Course QualificationPostgraduate Diploma
Awarding BodyNational University of Ireland
Course DurationMHA55 2 year Part-time MHA57 - DIPLOMA level - apply through Undergraduate section in
Course FeePOA
Entry RequirementsA primary degree, professional diploma or equivalent is required with a minimum of three years experience working with adults. For international students whose first language is not English, an English language exam certificate showing IELTS 6.5 (or equivalent) is required.
Carear PathThis two-year part-time course has played a key role in the professionalisation of adult guidance in Ireland. Graduates from this programme are eligible for membership of the Institute Guidance Counsellors.
Phone(0)1 708 3937
Course CodeMHA55 MHA57
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Course Provider

Maynooth University

1 Floor School of Education, North Campus Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Maynooth, Kildare, Republic of Ireland

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    Maynooth University
    1 Floor School of Education
    North Campus Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Maynooth, Kildare
    Republic of Ireland
    Visit Website