Post Graduate Courses That Award: Postgraduate Diploma
Although shorter than a masters degree, a postgraduate diploma is at the same academic level. There is a variety of courses that come under the heading of postgraduate diploma. The postgraduate diploma is a Level 9 Award. It is normally awarded following completion of a programme of one-year duration. Entry is typically for those with Honours Bachelor Degrees but holders of Ordinary Bachelor Degrees may also apply. The postgraduate diploma is an intermediate qualification. Institutes of Technology, QQI and Universities award Postgraduate Diplomas. The biggest difference between a postgraduate diploma and a masters degree is that you won’t have to submit a dissertation for a postgraduate diploma. Instead, you will be assessed by assignments, coursework or exams. Institutes of Technology, Quality and Qualifications Ireland, and Universities are the training providers who can award this qualification.
Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Entrepreneurship and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Medical Technology Course by Atlantic Technological University - Galway City, Co. GalwayThe Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Entrepreneurship and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing is a 60-credit, 1-year full-time programme delivered across two academic semesters.The programme is aimed at graduates who have either a science or bioengineering background and are aiming to develop their careers in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Learners will develop in-depth knowledge of biologics manufacturing including advanced skills…
Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Entrepreneurship and Medtech
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Medical Technology Course by Atlantic Technological University - Galway City, Co. GalwayThe Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and MedTech is a 60-credit, 1-year full-time programme delivered across two academic semesters. The course has been designed with significant input from industry experts to meet the demands of the medtech sector. The course offers a wide range of modules covering Marketing and Strategic Communications, Principles of Finance and Accounting,…
Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Interactive Digital Media
Digital Marketing Course by Griffith College Dublin (GCD) - Dublin City South, Co. DublinThis multidisciplinary course is at the intersection of design, computing and content development. Students develop a cutting-edge skillset using industry-standard, modern technology. Plan, design & build interactive digital products and experiences. Challenge the history of design with a deep dive on design theory and project to the future to anticipate the interactive needs of future generations.…
Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Palliative and End of Life Care
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Care Assistance Course by Atlantic Technological University - Galway City, Co. GalwayA 60 credit postgraduate diploma designed for professionals working in areas that cater for people with palliative and/or end of life care needs. We are now accepting applications for the September 2022 intake. This programme provides for those who wish to develop competence in caring for persons and their families requiring palliative and end of…
Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Quality and Safety (Health and Social Care)
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Quality Management Course by Atlantic Technological University - Galway City, Co. GalwayThis Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) is applicable across the public, private and voluntary sector with participants from multi-professional backgrounds including social care, clinical, administrative and practitioner levels. On completion, students will have developed enhanced contextual, cultural and professional insights into quality, safety and governance. Graduates will be equipped with a set of skills that will have…
Social Care Practice - Advanced
Social Science Course by Athlone Institute of Technology - Athlone, Co. WestmeathThe social care profession is dedicated to protecting and assisting the most vulnerable in our society. Social care professionals are on the front line in attempting to address pertinent social issues like: child abuse and protection, domestic violence, mental health, promoting equality of opportunity for those with special needs; as well as the rights and…
SPHeRE Online Diploma in Population Health & Health Services Research Education
Online Learning, Healthcare Management Course by Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Trinity College Dublin & University College Cork - Dublin City South, Co. DublinThe Online Postgraduate Level 9 Diploma in Population Health and Health Services Research comprehensively introduces you to the field of population health and health services research by building theoretical, contextual and practical knowledge and skills. This innovative joint award of The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork brings…
Performance analysis is the newest of the sports science disciplines and investigates actual sports performance or performance in training. This programme was developed in response to the increasing demand for people with performance analysis knowledge, competencies and skills across a range of sporting clubs and organisations. This innovative MSc – Level 9 programme will prepare…
There is a growing demand for strength and conditioning practitioners both within professional sport structures and working with physiotherapists, sports rehabilitators of injury and athletic therapists in the prevention of injury and rehabilitation of athletes. This new two-year programme will provide an opportunity for students to study for an MSc in Strength and Conditioning, corresponding…
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Course by Institute of Technology Carlow - Carlow Town, Co. CarlowThis course offers a robust understanding of the concepts and practices of Supply Chain Management with academic and practical applications being incorporated into it. Supply chains and sourcing have become a central focus for companies due to the rapid changes in demand for products and services, globalisation and technology. With operations becoming more complex, companies…