Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses listed in our database in Monaghan. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Over the last few years, e-learning options have significantly grown. In addition, more and more people are choosing to study this way whether or not they have access to colleges and education providers. It seems likely that the demand for e-learning will only continue to grow. This may happen alongside traditional education. However, it is […]
Being able to speak a second language is like having a precious commodity. In recent years, the demand has surged for employees with foreign language skills. Ireland could do better in the multilingualism stakes. The vast majority – over ninety percent – of people in Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Sweden can […]
Kaizen is the Japanese word for ‘improvement’; back in the 1950s Toyota implemented a revolutionary approach to Process Improvement which would eventually become Lean Six Sigma. Almost seven decades later, this Programme is used in industries across the globe. Here in Ireland, it’s not only common practice in tech and manufacturing but across organisations big […]
Then make sure to read this first. In its best form, distance learning, or online learning, offers all the benefits of an institution’s course syllabus to a student from a remote location. This means learners can pursue their postgraduate study at their own time and place. However, in order to get the best benefits from […]
Journalism is no longer the exclusive remit of print media, radio and TV; it has become a far more multidimensional discipline, incorporating a host of new elements – a fact that is clearly reflected by the widespread inclusion of a digital and social media dimension to most journalism courses. The Internet has had a major […]
Worried about how to fund your PhD? With the demands that pursuing a PhD entails, funding for students and would-be researchers is a perennial issue. Let’s look at some of the supports that are currently available: PhD programme rates vary, of course, from institution to institution, but an average cost is likely to be somewhere […]
A massive €5 billion industry, the Irish hospitality industry is the fulcrum of a massive tourist industry, amongst the most successful anywhere in the world. There are currently 18,377 (2018 data) companies working in the hospitality-related accommodation and food services sector in Ireland, with a workforce of approximately 177,000. This compares to 148,000 at the […]
Moore’s Law and the technological shifts brought in under its mantle has obliterated our traditional interpretation of what ‘media’ actually means. A few generations ago, the only media available to consume was via print. Then came photography, followed by radio, film, TV and most recently the computer. It’s hard to fathom, especially for the average […]
The construction and engineering industries have been among the most significant contributors to the growth in the Irish economy in recent years through employment, export and output. These sectors have undergone a massive transformation and have played a huge part in transforming Ireland into an advanced nation at the cutting-edge of technological, engineering and manufacturing […]
Covering everything from traditional banking to e-commerce, tax, audit, consultancy and with inputs into literally every industry, the areas of business and finance remain one of the largest job opportunity sectors and one of Ireland’s biggest areas of employment. Business and Finance Over the last four to five years there have been very significant levels […]