Postgraduate courses in Visual and Critical Studies
Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses listed in Visual and Critical Studies listed in our database. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Artists and musicians have long been among the most popular and respected members of Irish society. Ordinary people rely on artists and musicians to brighten up their lives. Art and music transcend boundaries on all levels – geographical, cultural, social, economic and political – and the artistic expression and musical creativity of a nation can […]
Then make sure to read this first. In its best form, distance learning, or online learning, offers all the benefits of an institution’s course syllabus to a student from a remote location. This means learners can pursue their postgraduate study at their own time and place. However, in order to get the best benefits from […]
Covering everything from traditional banking to e-commerce, tax, audit, consultancy and with inputs into literally every industry, the areas of business and finance remain one of the largest job opportunity sectors and one of Ireland’s biggest areas of employment. Business and Finance Over the last four to five years there have been very significant levels […]
A passion for creating great work across multiple mediums, attention to detail and creative flair which can illuminate everything from graphic novels and comic books, books, billboards and international campaigns. A huge interest in all mediums of art is obviously a requirement for someone looking at postgraduate courses in illustration. As is the ability to […]
If you are considering a Masters, you’ll know that many disciplines offer taught and research options. Which one you choose depends on a number of factors. These include the discipline; your focus area; your educational background; your career aspirations; and last, but not least, your lifestyle. Taught Masters As you would expect, during a taught […]
There are many reasons why you might decide to either consider or pursue, postgraduate study. For most, it’s a matter of following a path of academic and professional development. For others it’s an issue of personal development or someone could be returning to study after many years. Whatever your reasons for undergoing postgraduate study, make […]
Anyone interested in going for an MBA program or any other program related to the Masters in Business Administration should be ready to pay a high price. Funding for MBA programmes can be very difficult to find, compared to what pertains in other disciplines. If you want to enrol on a full-time MBA, for example, you […]
Worried about how to fund your PhD? With the demands that pursuing a PhD entails, funding for students and would-be researchers is a perennial issue. Let’s look at some of the supports that are currently available: PhD programme rates vary, of course, from institution to institution, but an average cost is likely to be somewhere […]
They say a fool and his money are soon parted. That may have had a ring of truth in the profligate days of the Celtic Tiger, but nowadays even as the economy continues to improve, the union of village idiots is advocating spending cautiously. An increasingly competitive market is seeking higher returns from a fast […]
Can you teach someone to be an entrepreneur? Irish third-level institutions seem to think so. Colleges increasingly offer courses in entrepreneurship. In addition, many offer start-up workshops and summer programmes for students seeking to start their own companies. Whether or not students go on to start their own businesses, the skills associated with entrepreneurship, such […]