Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses listed in Law Society Exams listed in our database. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
As we learn more about the impact of modern development and industry on the world around us, the need for better thought out environmental management becomes clear. With government and EU regulations and legislation increasing, businesses and organisations are increasingly requiring qualified people with environmental training. A number of third level and postgraduate courses have […]
The application for your postgraduate course is not something that should be taken lightly, and must be afforded the proper consideration and time. Academic qualifications are obviously very important but they are not the only factor you need to take into account when applying for that postgraduate course. You are creating a ‘selling document’ and […]
The Fulbright Irish Awards are prestigious scholarships for graduate study and research in the United States, funded by the governments of Ireland and the United States. What Are The Fulbright Irish Awards? Established in 1957 to build educational links between Ireland and the US. Operated by the Fulbright Commission in Ireland, an educational nonprofit. Awarded […]
Engineering is an area with multiple strands, each of which is united to the others by a shared commitment to innovation. After all, the discipline, by its very nature, must constantly evolve as its main purpose is to overcome the challenges posed across a range of areas – from computing and software to food and […]
According to the Education for Person’s with Special Education Needs (SEN) Act 2004, students are to be educated as far as possible in an inclusive environment in mainstream classrooms. Students with special needs may be educated in ordinary classes in mainstream schools or in smaller classes in mainstream schools with a low teacher-to-pupil ratio – […]
From budgies to bulls, microbes to mares, and absolutely everything in between; are you tempted to take on a postgraduate course in Animal Science? Whether your preferred career is in veterinary medicine, agriculture or beyond, a postgraduate qualification is something that will set you apart from other graduates when the time comes to start sending […]
Before you embark on your PhD journey, it’s worth considering that you are taking on an objective that is at the very upper end of the scale of achievable qualifications. To use a mountaineering analogy, your challenging undergraduate degree was a walk in the foothills, your postgrad saw you headed for base camp, so a […]
Summarizing a Ph.D. thesis in three minutes, often known as the “Three Minute Thesis” (3MT) challenge, requires condensing complex research into a concise and engaging presentation. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this: 1. Identify the Core Message: Distill your thesis into one key message or question. What is the main problem you […]
The Aleen Cust Library at Mountbellew Agricultural College, Co. Galway opened today, 16th October 2023. So Who Was Aleen Cust? Before women were widely accepted in many professions, Aleen Cust shattered expectations by becoming Ireland’s first female veterinary surgeon in the early 1900s. Her pioneering career opened doors for women in veterinary medicine. Developing a […]
The construction and engineering industries have been among the most significant contributors to the growth in the Irish economy in recent years through employment, export and output. These sectors have undergone a massive transformation and have played a huge part in transforming Ireland into an advanced nation at the cutting-edge of technological, engineering and manufacturing […]