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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework designed to optimize teaching and learning for all students, regardless of their diverse backgrounds, abilities, or learning styles. UDL aims to remove barriers to learning and create inclusive learning environments where every student can succeed. At its core, UDL recognizes that learners differ in how they […]
The first port of call for anyone considering applying for funding for their Master’s programme should be the Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI). This will give you an estimation as to whether you might be eligible for student funding based on special criteria and personal circumstances. For postgraduate funding you must be pursuing study on […]
If you are considering postgraduate study, you probably have questions – generally lots of questions. We have collected some of the most common questions postgrad students have, as well as answers, to help you make the right decision. Do I need a postgraduate degree? The easy, but not very helpful answer is it depends. For […]
The application for your postgraduate course is not something that should be taken lightly, and must be afforded the proper consideration and time. Academic qualifications are obviously very important but they are not the only factor you need to take into account when applying for that postgraduate course. You are creating a ‘selling document’ and […]
From budgies to bulls, microbes to mares, and absolutely everything in between; are you tempted to take on a postgraduate course in Animal Science? Whether your preferred career is in veterinary medicine, agriculture or beyond, a postgraduate qualification is something that will set you apart from other graduates when the time comes to start sending […]
They say a fool and his money are soon parted. That may have had a ring of truth in the profligate days of the Celtic Tiger, but nowadays even as the economy continues to improve, the union of village idiots is advocating spending cautiously. An increasingly competitive market is seeking higher returns from a fast […]
The Aleen Cust Library at Mountbellew Agricultural College, Co. Galway opened today, 16th October 2023. So Who Was Aleen Cust? Before women were widely accepted in many professions, Aleen Cust shattered expectations by becoming Ireland’s first female veterinary surgeon in the early 1900s. Her pioneering career opened doors for women in veterinary medicine. Developing a […]
A passion for creating great work across multiple mediums, attention to detail and creative flair which can illuminate everything from graphic novels and comic books, books, billboards and international campaigns. A huge interest in all mediums of art is obviously a requirement for someone looking at postgraduate courses in illustration. As is the ability to […]
Most children across society today are raised on cartoons, which probably explains how animation remains such a fundamental and beloved art form. Through this format, you can translate stories, and express ideas in a way that truly connects with a viewer. Films, games, shows, shorts and webisodes can be funny, happy, satirical, political, abstract or […]
Studying? Don’t forget your self-care. Balancing the challenges of life, work and study simultaneously should never be a feat that you underestimate. When you take on a postgraduate programme, you’re not simply sitting in on a few classes on your downtime; rather, you’re making a massive commitment that’s likely far outside your comfort zone. Don’t […]