Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses listed in Drama & Theatre listed in our database. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Engineering is an area with multiple strands, each of which is united to the others by a shared commitment to innovation. After all, the discipline, by its very nature, must constantly evolve as its main purpose is to overcome the challenges posed across a range of areas – from computing and software to food and […]
Applications are now open for a new Postgraduate programme in International Sustainable Business available at Cork University Business School within the College of Business and Law in University College Cork. The MSc International Sustainable Business will commence in September 2024 and is offered on a 1 year full-time, or 2 years part-time capacity. Here are the top 5 […]
Kaizen is the Japanese word for ‘improvement’; back in the 1950s Toyota implemented a revolutionary approach to Process Improvement which would eventually become Lean Six Sigma. Almost seven decades later, this Programme is used in industries across the globe. Here in Ireland, it’s not only common practice in tech and manufacturing but across organisations big […]
Whatever stage you are at, in either your academic or working career, it is never too late to change course and find a new direction. Postgraduate conversion courses were designed with that explicitly in mind. This is a course that allows you to change track in your career. Tempted? What next? Some conversion courses will […]
Once you have finished your undergraduate degree, there are a number of issues to consider. Do a postgraduate degree or look for work? Continue with your undergraduate field or consider one of the many conversion courses available? A postgrad degree can give you an advantage in the jobs market. But a postgrad in a field […]
The construction and engineering industries have been among the most significant contributors to the growth in the Irish economy in recent years through employment, export and output. These sectors have undergone a massive transformation and have played a huge part in transforming Ireland into an advanced nation at the cutting-edge of technological, engineering and manufacturing […]
If you are considering postgraduate study, you probably have questions – generally lots of questions. We have collected some of the most common questions postgrad students have, as well as answers, to help you make the right decision. Do I need a postgraduate degree? The easy, but not very helpful answer is it depends. For […]
Summarizing a Ph.D. thesis in three minutes, often known as the “Three Minute Thesis” (3MT) challenge, requires condensing complex research into a concise and engaging presentation. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this: 1. Identify the Core Message: Distill your thesis into one key message or question. What is the main problem you […]
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework designed to optimize teaching and learning for all students, regardless of their diverse backgrounds, abilities, or learning styles. UDL aims to remove barriers to learning and create inclusive learning environments where every student can succeed. At its core, UDL recognizes that learners differ in how they […]
Worried about how to fund your PhD? With the demands that pursuing a PhD entails, funding for students and would-be researchers is a perennial issue. Let’s look at some of the supports that are currently available: PhD programme rates vary, of course, from institution to institution, but an average cost is likely to be somewhere […]