Postgraduate courses in Construction & Engineering in Glasnevin
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Access Course for the MEng in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Programme
Mechanical Engineering Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinIntroduction This Access Course is for Honours students whose primary degree is not in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, but who wish to join the MEng in Mechanical and Manufacturing programme. It is a bridge between your existing knowledge and the knowledge you need to enter one of these courses. It is a one-year, part-time course.…
Master Engineering Qualifier B - MEng in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinIntroduction This course offers an alternative entry route to the MEng in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering for those students who do not meet the normal Masters entry requirements, but have a level 8 H3 degree in Mechanical and/or Mechanical Engineering. Successful completion of the Master Engineering Qualifier B programme allows the student to progress to…
Masters Engineering Qualifier - Electronic & Computer Engineering
Electronic & Electric Engineering Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinIntroduction Students who do not have the entry requirements to enter directly onto the Masters programmes may be offered entry on the Masters Qualifier Programme. The Master Qualifier contains the same modules as our Masters. Students on the Masters Qualifier Programme may transfer onto the Masters programme, subject to the transfer requirements and without loss…
MEng in Electronic and Computer Engineering
Electronic & Electric Engineering Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinIntroduction This programme offers advanced-level courses in the theory, analysis, design, modelling and manufacture of electronic and computer systems. It’s highly flexible and allows participants to customise a taught Masters programme based on preferred focus areas. With a range of over twenty modules to choose from, this Masters programme is highly customisable by the individual student.…
MEng in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinIntroduction This Masters programme allows the students to specialise in the widely established area of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering or to widen their knowledge from their undergraduate studies. It enables graduates to apply MEng Level 9 learning outcomes using computer–based technology to solve mechanical and manufacturing engineering problems. This programme introduces the use of advanced…
MSc in Computing (with Major Options)
Construction & Engineering Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinIntroduction The MSc in Computing offers a choice of Majors, designed to equip graduates with a range of cutting-edge skills, enabling them to produce high-quality software and systems that deliver solutions to business and the economy. Major 1 – Artificial Intelligence (This Major is available Full Time Only) There is a strong demand for graduates…
MSc in Electronic and Computer Technology
Construction & Engineering Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinIntroduction This programme is focused on the Internet of Things [IoT] and leads to a final Award of MSc in Electronic and Computer Technology [IoT]. It aims to provide a pathway for bachelor’s degree graduates, existing ICT professionals, and those wishing to convert from associated disciplines, to acquire the necessary skills to pursue careers in the…
Single Module Programme - Engineering and Computing
Construction & Engineering Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinIntroduction The IPME programme is a continuing-engineering education programme provided by the School of Electronic Engineering. On this remote access programme students use the web to access career relevant, high-level modules representing recent developments in Electronic Systems and Telecommunications Engineering. The modules on this programme are typically taken for professional development purposes, or to apply…