Postgraduate courses in Cloud Computing in Dublin
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Business with Cloud Computing - Distance Learning
Cloud Computing Course by Fitzwilliam Institute - Blackrock, Co. DublinThis distance learning Postgraduate Diploma in Business with Cloud Computing will provide comprehensive grounding in managerial disciplines. This Postgraduate Diploma gives students an extensive and comprehensive insight into topics related to business management, including operations management, marketing, mathematics and statistical analysis, accounting, economics, performance in the workplace, employee relations and entrepreneurial skills. By the time…
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Course by National College of Ireland (NCI) - IFSC, Co. DublinThis course will provide you with the latest knowledge and competencies required by the fastest growing global industry: the cloud. Cloud computing has become a multi-billion euro industry and this course offers specialisations in two key areas: Infrastructure (IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service) and Development (SaaS – Software as a Service). Studying at our…