Postgraduate courses in Business in Dublin
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Browse Courses, Post Graduate Classes by City/Towns in Ireland
Select a town from the list below and we will show you the many courses, listed within that area from which you can browse to a course near you.
MSc in Management (Aviation Leadership)
Business Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinThe MSc in Management (Aviation Leadership) is a specialist postgraduate programme designed to provide participants with aviation knowledge in all key aviation sectors combined with an education in strategic management. The teaching faculty possess academic expertise and a wealth of industry experience, with many having backgrounds across all branches of the industry – airlines, airports,…
MSc in Management (Business)
Business Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinThe MSc in Management (Business) is designed for people who do not have an undergraduate degree in management or business, but who would like to have a thorough preparation for a career in management. You’ll be introduced to the core disciplines of business such as accounting, economics, HRM and marketing, while developing the range of…
MSc in Management of Operations
Business Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinContemporary Operations Management demands flexibility, creativity and pragmatism. This online programme enables students to grow into senior operations management roles in technology-intensive organisations, in the financial sector, in supply chain management, manufacturing or services organisations, in both the public and private sectors. Learners will gain a critical awareness of current opportunities and new insights into…
MSc in Management (Strategy)
Business Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinThe MSc in Management (Strategy) enhances the knowledge skills, and competencies of students who already have an undergraduate degree in business, but who wish to develop a deeper competency in business strategy and management at Master’s level. The programme provides you with highly sought-after skills and competencies to assess and contribute to strategic thinking, analysis,…
MSc in Talent, Leadership & HR Strategy
Business Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. Dublinsuccessful Msc in HR Strategies (MHRS) programme. The Msc in HR Strategies over the past 20 years has established a reputation as the leading programme in Ireland for managers and professionals who are interested in pursuing a strategic approach to human resource issues in their organisations. Since its inception in 1997, the MHRS has attracted a…
MSc in Work and Organisational Psychology/Behaviour
Business Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinThe MSc in Work and Organisational Psychology (DC508) and the MSc in Work and Organisational Behaviour (DC957) at DCU Business School is the longest running specialised programme delivering organisational psychology education in Ireland. The programme emphasises collaborative and participative team learning, and draws heavily on the experiences and insights of participants rather than on the…
MSc. International Accounting and Business
Business Course by Dublin City University (DCU) - Glasnevin, Co. DublinThe DCU MSc in International Accounting and Business is the leading graduate programme of its kind in Ireland, an innovative partnership of accounting and business which is informed and shaped by the needs of the professionals of tomorrow. The programme is designed for graduates to combine study for a Master’s degree while gaining business…
Postgraduate Certificates
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Business Management Course by Institute of Public Administration - Ballsbridge, Co. DublinPostgraduate Certificates are one-year programmes in which students take the second year of an IPA MA programmes. There are six options: Postgraduate Certificate in Criminal Justice Postgraduate Certificate in Financial Management Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Management Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Strategy Postgraduate Certificate in Local Government Students complete…
Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance Management
Classroom Based, Business Course by Griffith College Dublin (GCD) - Dublin City South, Co. DublinOur Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting & Finance Management programme is available on either a full or part-time basis over a 1-Year Period and aims to prepare graduates for careers in International Accounting and Finance Management.
Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Management
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Business Management Course by Institute of Public Administration - Ballsbridge, Co. DublinThe Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Management is a one-year programme that provides graduate-level instruction in core business disciplines. Students take six subjects over two semesters that cover both quantitative and general management topics. They will learn about, among other things, human resource planning, the management of change, leadership and strategic direction, financial policy, and…
Postgraduate Diploma in International Business
Classroom Based, International Business Course by Griffith College Dublin (GCD) - Dublin City South, Co. DublinOur Postgraduate Diploma in International Business programme is available on both a full and part-time basis over 2-4 semesters. The course is specially designed to prepare graduates for the world of international business by providing an educational experience which is stongly vocational, academically rigorous and intellectually challenging, providing a key stepping stone to a career…
Postgraduate Diploma in International Business and Law
Classroom Based, International Business Course by Griffith College Dublin (GCD) - Dublin City South, Co. DublinOur Postgraduate Diploma in International Business programme is available on both a full and part-time basis over a 2-4 semesters. The course is specially designed to prepare graduates for the world of international business by providing and educational experience which is strongly vocational, academically rigorous and intellectually challenging, providing a key stepping stone to a…
Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Interactive Digital Media
Digital Marketing Course by Griffith College Dublin (GCD) - Dublin City South, Co. DublinThis multidisciplinary course is at the intersection of design, computing and content development. Students develop a cutting-edge skillset using industry-standard, modern technology. Plan, design & build interactive digital products and experiences. Challenge the history of design with a deep dive on design theory and project to the future to anticipate the interactive needs of future generations.…
Postgraduate Diploma/Master of Economic Science In Policy Analysis
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Business Management Course by Institute of Public Administration - Ballsbridge, Co. DublinThis two-year, part-time programme addresses the tangible need for the development of policy analysis skills across the wider public service. It explores subjects that are crucial to the expert assessment of contemporary public policy, including project management, economic and financial analysis, social policy analysis and cost-benefit analysis. On completion of the first year of the…
Professional Certificate in Governance
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Business Management Course by Institute of Public Administration - Ballsbridge, Co. DublinThe Professional Certificate in Governance is a one-year part-time programme that addresses a key area of concern to professionals in the public and private sectors. Governance is a subject used in several contexts and is a subject of much debate in Ireland and elsewhere. This programme examines governance as a set of structures and processes…