Rosemarie Anderson will hold an all-day masterclass on transpersonal approaches to research on Wednesday, 18 September 2019. Rosemarie, with William Braud, founded the field of transpersonal research methods and developed the qualitative method of Intuitive Inquiry.
She has co-authored the following:
- Transpersonal Research Methods: Honoring Human Experience
- Transpersonal Research Methods for the Social Sciences.
- Transforming Self and Others through Research
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Attending her research workshop, which is grounded in more than 30 years of experience as a researcher and research supervisor, is a privileged opportunity.
About SpIRE
The Spirituality Institute for Research and Education (SpIRE) has been established to serve the spiritual seeking of people. It emphasises the value of the academic study of spirituality in higher education, and the phenomenon of ‘spirituality and’.
‘Spirituality and’ refers to the relationship between spirituality and the manifold areas of lived experience. These areas include healthcare, management, leadership, disability, social concern, ecology, aging, and social media, etc. The interface between spirituality and such areas are all signs of a new spiritual consciousness across the globe.
This global spiritual awakening is moving people to seek spiritual resources for issues about the meaning of life. The issues arise in a range of settings such as work, family, relationships, life-transitions, and concerns regarding human, societal and planetary wellbeing.