IRE Journal of Lifelong Learning: Call for Papers

By Steven - Last update

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The International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning (IRE) is an international, scholarly, refereed journal published by Springer and edited by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. It publishes articles from all regions of the world and serves policy-makers and practitioners, as well as the research community.

The world’s longest-running international journal of education, IRE gives priority to papers on adult education, non-formal education, adult literacy, open and distance learning, vocational education, and formal education viewed through the lens of lifelong learning.

IRE is a hybrid journal, which aims to publish the best new scholarship from around the world, while also influencing the development of policy and practice in the field of lifelong learning through evidence-based research. We value contributions from both established authors and emerging scholars.

In addition to the above areas, and other applications of the lifelong learning paradigm, we are particularly interested in receiving submissions on the following themes:

  • Education for sustainable development, particularly in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and educational responses and challenges to the climate crisis, including through indigenous knowledge systems and co-construction with local communities.
  • Citizenship education and the role of education – particularly adult education – in fostering democratic values and supporting active civic and political awareness and engagement, locally, nationally and globally.
  • Education for migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons, with particular emphasis on their inclusion in crisis-sensitive education systems and the recognition of their formal and informal learning.
  • Explorations of the inter-sectoral scope of lifelong learning and the links between education and other sectors, for example, health.

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