
free part-time MSc in AgInnovation course at the University of Galway

By Steven - Last update

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Do you have an idea for a new product or business related to agriculture, food, or rural life?

Why not take this free part-time MSc in AgInnovation course at the University of Galway?


This MSc in AgInnovation (Agricultural Innovation & Entrepreneurship) is a year-long distance education/blended learning entrepreneurship development programme. It provides entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship skills that are vitally needed in the agri-ecosystem in Ireland. Key stakeholders include micro, small, medium and large agri-companies as well as individual farmers. This course teaches people how to:

* Identify areas for innovation specifically within the agri-domain;

* Create innovation-driven enterprises or new business units within an existing company.

Particular consideration is given to helping participants address:

* Challenges around commercialising innovations (ideas and technologies);

* Business constraints and guidelines (margins, CAGR, lifetime value, COCA, etc.);

* Other difficulties related to getting new agri-products to sizeable markets;

* Communication skills and self-awareness vital to creating successful innovation-driven enterprises.

Building on the successful TechInnovate programmes at the University of Galway, this MSc in AgInnovation (Agricultural Innovation & Entrepreneurship) has three core pillars:

Agri-Needs Finding: Students learn the fundamentals of ethnographic research [i.e., observation, interviews, and surveys] which allows them to conduct Primary Market Research, market validation and problem definition specific to the agricultural environment.

Design Thinking for the Agri-Sector: The Design Thinking methodology is particularly relevant to those interested in innovation in the agricultural domain since it allows students to investigate specific, real-world needs of the agricultural sector and use those insights to develop sustainable solutions.

MIT’s Disciplined Entrepreneurship: The successful and real-world oriented “Disciplined Entrepreneurship” 24-step process from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) forms the basis for developing minimal viable business products (MVBP) for the agri-domain.


Take the next step by visiting: springboardcourses.ie/details/14235


Supported by the Government of Ireland and the European Union.


Application Deadline


Start Date





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